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. 1995 Fall;17(1):201–254.

Table 16. Home Health Care Expenditures and Average Annual Percent Growth, by Region and State: Selected Calendar Years 1980-93.

Region and State of Provider 1980 1985 1990 1992 1993 Average Annual Percent Growth 1980-93

Millions of Dollars
United States 2,376 5,642 13,232 20,348 22,982 19.1
New England 175 377 932 1,358 1,555 18.3
Connecticut 42 97 240 347 391 18.7
Maine 13 27 60 92 104 17.3
Massachusetts 85 193 501 718 835 19.2
New Hampshire 11 20 46 67 71 15.7
Rhode Island 16 29 58 90 103 15.2
Vermont 8 11 27 45 52 16.0
Mideast 896 2,041 4,177 5,141 5,486 15.0
Delaware 4 16 30 45 51 20.7
District of Columbia 11 21 37 40 45 11.7
Maryland 39 109 189 298 314 17.5
New Jersey 182 290 479 631 718 11.1
New York 536 1,270 2,937 3,409 3,562 15.7
Pennsylvania 124 334 505 718 796 15.4
Great Lakes 326 805 1,750 2,561 2,789 18.0
Illinois 112 195 418 791 853 16.9
Indiana 25 57 141 269 308 21.5
Michigan 73 268 562 638 714 19.2
Ohio 80 162 368 578 649 17.5
Wisconsin 37 123 261 286 265 16.3
Plains 114 267 644 1,021 1,155 19.5
Iowa 15 28 82 127 137 18.7
Kansas 10 24 76 140 152 23.3
Minnesota 27 79 243 369 414 23.5
Missouri 55 118 191 291 347 15.2
Nebraska 5 14 34 69 74 22.8
North Dakota 1 3 12 15 16 21.5
South Dakota 1 2 6 10 16 20.2
Southeast 409 1,041 3,336 6,149 7,042 24.5
Alabama 30 72 267 489 602 26.0
Arkansas 13 29 75 128 145 20.4
Florida 170 361 1,153 2,208 2,323 22.3
Georgia 39 104 343 606 729 25.2
Kentucky 16 44 183 326 357 26.8
Louisiana 17 43 125 279 410 27.7
Mississippi 21 48 168 262 300 22.8
North Carolina 20 58 273 483 541 29.1
South Carolina 18 43 83 175 216 21.2
Tennessee 26 124 396 756 899 31.2
Virginia 30 94 206 324 368 21.2
West Virginia 9 21 63 114 150 24.4
Southwest 138 421 1,035 1,791 2,234 23.9
Arizona 10 56 148 245 317 30.5
New Mexico 6 14 30 56 62 20.2
Oklahoma 29 43 87 167 273 18.7
Texas 93 308 770 1,323 1,583 24.3
Rocky Mountains 40 87 190 325 422 19.8
Colorado 25 47 105 156 195 17.0
Idaho 7 17 16 36 49 16.0
Montana 4 10 29 43 50 20.9
Utah 2 9 33 74 100 33.9
Wyoming 1 4 7 17 29 25.7
Far West 277 603 1,167 2,001 2,299 17.7
Alaska 0 1 2 4 5 31.8
California 200 449 847 1,438 1,640 17.6
Hawaii 4 8 16 23 32 16.7
Nevada 2 9 44 101 120 35.2
Oregon 19 39 52 105 122 15.3
Washington 52 98 207 329 380 16.6

SOURCE: Health Care Financing Administration, Office of the Actuary: Estimates prepared by the Office of National Health Statistics.