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. 1995 Fall;17(1):53–67.

Table 3. Effect of Network Participation on Rural Hospital Financial Performance, by Network Type: Calendar Years 1985-901.

Measures of Performance Fixed Effects Random Effects

Estimate of Effect of Network Participation t -Statistic Estimate of Effect of Network Participation t -Statistic
Operating Margin
 RHNP .005 1.524 -.006 -1.196
 Non-RHNP -.001 -.647 .001 .726
Current Ratio (log)
 RHNP -.001 -.111 -.27×10-3 -.014
 Non-RHNP -.012 -1.671 .021 1.877
Capital Structure
Equity Financing Ratio
 RHNP .016 .814 NA NA
 Non-RHNP -.016 -1.191 NA NA
Long-Term Debt-to-Equity Ratio
 RHNP -.002 -.227 .001 .079
 Non-RHNP .001 .186 .012 *2.026
Average Daily Census (log)
 RHNP .010 1.123 -.006 -.452
 Non-RHNP .012 *2.166 -.46×10-3 -.066

Significant at the .05 level.


The independent variables used in the analysis included hospital bed size, bed size squared, Medicare payment status, ownership, and case-mix index, as well as a dummy variable for each year.

NOTES: RHNP is the Rural Hospital Network Program. NA is not available.

SOURCE: Moscovice, I., University of Minnesota, 1995.