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. 1996 Spring;17(3):101–128.

Table 2. Prospective Hierarchical Coexisting Conditions Models, With Incremental Payment Weights1.

HCC Label Example(s) Hierarchy (Rank) Percent of Medicare Beneficiaries2 Incremental Payment

HCC—Diagnosis Only HCCP—Includes Procedures
1 High-Cost Infectious Diseases Septicemia, HIV/AIDS None 1.1 $4,116 $3,045
2* Moderate-Cost Infectious Diseases Tuberculosis, meningitis None 2.1 1,411
4 Metastatic Cancer Neoplasm (1) 1.3 6,298 4,332
5 High-Cost Cancers Lung cancer Neoplasm (2) 0.9 4,226 3,457
6 Moderate-Cost Cancers Kidney cancer, brain cancer Neoplasm (3) 2.0 2,168 1,680
7 Lower-Cost Cancers Prostate cancer, breast cancer Neoplasm (4) 4.8 910 576
8* Carcinoma in Situ Neoplasm (5) 0.4 456
12 High-Cost Diabetes Hypoglycemic coma Diabetes (1) 1.5 3,939 3,871
13 Lower-Cost Diabetes Diabetes without complications Diabetes (2) 12.0 1,451 1,425
14 Protein-Calorie Malnutrition None 0.6 3,961 2,451
17 Liver Disease Cirrhosis None 0.4 4,269 3,971
18 High-Cost Gastrointestinal Disorders Intestinal obstruction Gastrointestinal (1) 2.5 2,146 1,827
19* Moderate-Cost Gastrointestinal Disorders Ulcer without perforation Gastrointestinal (2) 7.8 751
21 Bone Infections Osteomyelitis None 0.6 2,111 1,770
22 Rheumatoid Arthritis and Connective Tissue Disease Systemic lupus erythematosus None 2.6 1,516 1,442
24 Aplastic and Acquired Hemolytic Anemias Hematological (1) 0.3 5,505 4,778
25 Blood/Immune Disorders Hemophilia Hematological (2) 1.8 1,337 994
28 Drug and Alcohol Dependence/Psychoses Mental (1) 0.7 2,442 2,318
29 Higher-Cost Mental Disorders Schizophrenia Mental (2) 4.4 1,635 1,603
31 Quadriplegia/Paraplegia Neurological (1) 0.2 5,609 4,996
32 Higher-Cost Nervous System Disorders Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis Neurological (2) 6.3 1,556 1,436
34 Respiratory Arrest Cardio-respiratory arrest (1) 0.3 9,282 6,561
35 Cardiac Arrest/Shock Cardio-respiratory arrest (2) 0.3 1,759 1,271
36 Respiratory Failure Cardio-respiratory arrest (3) 2.5 2,797 2,237
37 Congestive Heart Failure Heart (1) 9.9 3,063 2,873
38 Heart Arrhythmia Ventric Tachycardia Heart (2) 3.2 1,333 1,212
39 Valvular Heart Disease Rheumatic Fever/Heart Disease Heart (3) 2.4 804 757
40 Coronary Artery Disease Myocardial infarction, angina pectoris Heart (3) 13.7 1,049 995
45 Cerebrovascular Disease Cerebrovascular accident None 8.4 1,253 1,174
46 Vascular Disease Atherosclerosis, aneurysm None 12.1 1,114 1,015
48 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Emphysema, Asthma Lung (1) 11.9 1,555 1,448
49 Higher-Cost Pneumonia Pneumococcal pneumonia Lung (1a) 1.1 2,943 2,673
50* Lower-Cost Pneumonia Unspecified pneumonia Lung (2a) 4.4 1,104
51* Pleurisy/Fibrosis of Lungs Black lung disease Lung (3) 1.5 801
54 Renal Failure None 1.4 3,454 2,907
58 Chronic Ulcer of Skin None 2.5 2,633 2,461
60 Hip and Vertebral Fractures None 2.4 1,109 998
61 Higher-Cost Injuries and Poisonings Intracranial injury, third-degree bums None 2.2 $1,254 $1,052
63* Complications of Medical and Surgical Care Misadventure to patient in surgery None 3.4 709
64 Coma None 0.3 1,694 1,361
Procedure-Based HCCs
67* Major Organ Transplant Heart transplant Transplant (1) 0.0 5,142
68* Status/History of Major Organ Transplant Transplant (2) 0.1 1,156
70* Tracheostomy Artificial opening, tracheostomy (1) 0.1 24,474
71* Gastrostomy Artificial opening (1) 0.2 5,022
72* Enterostomy Artificial opening (1) 0.1 5,119
73* Artificial Opening Status/Attention Attention to gastrostomy Artificial opening (2) 0.4 2,236
74* Machine Dependence Ventilator dependence Tracheostomy (2) 1.2 2,190
77* Venous Access Port None 0.1 7,139
78* Chemotherapy None 0.8 4,642
79* Dialysis None 0.0 16,586
80* Major Surgical Amputations Amputation of leg None 0.1 2,607

Not included in hierarchical coexisting conditions (HCC) payment model.


Payment models also include 12 age and sex cells. Age and sex weight must be added to sum of HCC weights to obtain total payment.


Percent of sample in category after application of hierarchical restrictions.

SOURCE (for payment weights): 1992 (expenditures) and 1991 (diagnoses) Medicare claims.