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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2014 Oct 10.
Published in final edited form as: Econometrica. 2014 Jan;82(1):197–228. doi: 10.3982/ECTA9508


Experimental Results

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Purchased Olyset
Net in Phase 1
Purchased and
Used Olyset Net
in Phase 1a
Purchased Olyset
at 150 Ksh in
Phase 2
Purchased Both
Phase 1 Price ≤ Ksh 50 (high subsidy) 0.387 (0.034)*** [0.034]*** 0.281 (0.033)*** [0.033]*** 0.068 (0.040)* [0.04]* 0.115 (0.031)*** [0.033]*** 0.046 (0.065) [0.052]
Density of Phase 1 high subsidy recipients within 500-meter radius 0.223 (0.092)** [0.083]*** 0.168 (0.090)* [0.088]* −0.183 (0.099)* [0.119] −0.102 (0.078) [0.104] −0.156 (0.144) [0.145]
Area fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Observations 1094 1094 584 584 256
Mean of dependent variable 0.458 0.321 0.158 0.094 0.434
Mean of dependent variable in non-“high subsidy” group 0.341 0.233 0.137 0.057 0.411

Notes: Linear probability model estimates. All regressions include enumeration area fixed effects and control for two cross-cutting randomized treatments (gender of voucher recipient and framing) discussed in Dupas (2009). Twenty-six (15) observations are dropped for Phase 1 (Phase 2) because they do not have valid GIS data to compute the social exposure variables. White standard errors presented in parentheses. Standard errors corrected for spatial dependence are presented in brackets.


indicates significance at 10%;


at 5%;


at 1%.

Results are unaffected if household-level characteristics shown in Table I are controlled for.

Results are also unaffected if a control for population density (total number of study households within 500-meter radius) is controlled for.


“Purchased and Used Olyset in Phase 1” is a dummy equal to 1 if the household redeemed the first Olyset voucher and the net was seen hanging during at least one of the two surprise follow-up visits.


Waterguard is a water purification product. Vouchers for Waterguard subsidized at 50% were offered 5 months after the first Olyset voucher was distributed, to test for the presence of cross-product entitlement effects. This Waterguard voucher sub-experiment was conducted in only the two enumeration areas where the High Subsidy was a full subsidy. See Section 5 of the text for details.