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. 2014 Feb 18;40(6):1452–1461. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbt235

Table 3.

Correlations Between Neuropsychological Test Performance and Psychiatric Symptoms and Social and Role Functioning at Baseline and 12-Month Follow-up

SIPS- Positive Symptoms Total SIPS- Disorganized Symptoms Total SIPS- Negative Symptoms Total SIPS Social Anhedonia or Withdrawal SIPS Avolition SIPS Decreased Expression of Emotions SIPS Decreased Experience of Emotions and Self SIPS Decreased Ideational Richness SIPS Deterioration in Role Functioning GF: Social (BL) GF: Social (FU) GF: Role (BL) GF: Role (FU)
Vocabulary ScS −.07 −.18* −.21** −.10 −.003 −.10 −.07 −.41*** −.24** .27*** .21* .26** .37*
Block Design ScS   .09 −.07 −.15 −.08 −.05 −.09 −.05 −.22** −.12 .18*   .07 .11   .05
Digit Symbol/ Coding ScS .17* −.15 −.34*** −.28*** −.18* −.24** −.03 −.21** −.38*** .34*** .36*** .31*** .26*
TMT-B (s)   .09 −.07 −.21** −.06 −.19* −.13   .05 −.27** −.27** .20* .22* .27** .22*
CPT-IP Digits d’   .11 −.21* −.32*** −.16 −.23** −.14 −.10 −.23* −.35*** .25** .26* .24** .38**
COWA Raw Score   .04 −.22** −.24** −.08 −.14 −.19*   .02 −.24** −.32*** .25** .11 .21** .12
WCST persev. errors   .08 −.19* −.33*** −.19* −.20* −.23** −.07 −.33*** −.32*** .24** .33** .28*** .27**
Verbal Memory   .01 −.14 −.30*** −.15 −.10 −.10 −.10 −.45*** −.25** .29*** .25* .19* .32**
Composite score   .09 −.21** −.37*** −.19* −.20* −.22** −.06 −.43*** −.39*** .35*** .32** .33*** .36***
GF: Social (BL) −.15 −.46*** −.56*** −.63*** −.25** −.42*** −.09 −.39*** −.40*** .69*** .41*** .54***
GF: Social (FU)   .09 −.42*** −.56*** −.69*** −.35*** −.33** −.06 −.29** −.49*** .69*** .40*** .66***
GF: Role (BL) −.08 −.40*** −.54*** −.34*** −.37*** −.35*** −.16* −.18* −.70*** .41*** .40*** .50***
GF: Role (FU) −.04 −.28** −.46*** −.43*** −.30** −.19 −.14 −.25* −.45*** .54*** .66*** .50***

Note: BL, baseline; FU, follow-up; SIPS symptom totals, Structured Interview for Prodromal Symptoms total symptom severity; GF: Social, Global Social Functioning Scale; GF: Role, Global Role Functioning Scale; Wechsler subtests (Vocabulary, Block Design, Digit Symbol/Coding) are (age corrected) scaled scores (ScS); TMT-B, Trail Making Test “B” in seconds (reverse scored so that higher scores indicate better performance); CPT-IP Digits d’ is the Continuous Performance Test-Identical Pairs (digits) signal detection measure of discriminability; COWA (Controlled Oral Word Association test) is a raw score (total words generated); WCST persev. errors is a raw score on the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test perseverative errors (reverse scored so that higher scores indicate better performance); Verbal Memory is a composite of (1) List Learning: Percentage correct across trials on Hopkins Verbal Learning Test, Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test, or California Verbal Learning Test (adult and child versions) and standardized against a normal control group and (2) Story Recall: percentage of units recalled on immediate recall condition for Children’s Memory Stories, Wechsler Memory Scale–Revised, and Wechsler Memory Scale-Third revision - Logical Memory I and standardized against a normal control group; composite score is the mean standardized score of the 8 measures standardized against a normal control group; proportion of missing data by test is: WCST perseverative errors (30.8% missing), CPT-IP Digits d’ (14.8%), Verbal Memory (4.0%), Coding (2.8%), TMT-B (2.5%), Vocabulary (2.2%), Block Design (1.5%), and COWA (0%).

*P < .05, **P < .01, ***P < .001.

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