Metrics used to quantify algorithm performance. Here Θ1 and Θ2 denote the true inverse covariance matrices, and Θ̂1 and Θ̂2 denote the two estimated inverse covariance matrices. Here 1{A} is an indicator variable that equals one if the event A holds, and equals zero otherwise. (1) Metrics based on recovery of the support of Θ1 and Θ2. Here t0 = 10−6. (2) Metrics based on identification of perturbed nodes and co-hub nodes. The metrics PPC and TPPC quantify node perturbation, and are applied to PNJGL, FGL, and GL. The metrics PCC and TPCC relate to co-hub detection, and are applied to CNJGL, GGL, and GL. We let ts = μ + 5.5σ, where μ is the mean and σ is the standard deviation of
(PPC or TPPC for PNJGL),
(PPC or TPPC for FGL/GL),
(PPC or TPPC for CNJGL), or
(PPC or TPPC for GGL/GL). However, results are very insensitive to the value of ts, as is shown in Appendix G. (3) Frobenius error of estimation of Θ1 and Θ2.