Figure 3. Overexpression of abrA2.
A) Colony morphology of S. coelicolor M145 and S. coelicolor ΔabrA1/A2 strains transformed with different multicopy plasmids: pIJ702 (control), pTXabrA2 (expressing the AbrA2 RR under the control of xysAp), and its derivatives pTXabrA2-DA (D55A) and pTXabrA2-DADE (D10A, D55E). The photographs correspond to four-day cultures on R2(YE) medium. Bar: 1 mm. B) Phenotypes of AbrA2 overexpression in S. coelicolor M145 compared to the mutant ΔabrA1/A2 phenotype. The phosphoablative version (pTXabrA2-DA) was included in the study. Upper part: production of ACT in NMMP medium plates (72 h); middle part: CDA bioassay against B. subtilis at 48 h; lower part, RED production at 48 h.