(A) Snf7 co-purifies with Heh2-GFP in vps4Δ cells. Western blots of proteins bound to Heh1- and Heh2-GFP from WT and vps4Δ cell extracts.
(B) Schematic of the topology and domain architecture of Heh2. LEM is Lap2-emerin-MAN1, MCHD is MAN1 C-terminal Homology Domain and TMD is transmembrane domain.
(C and D) Snf7 specifically interacts with the N-terminus of Heh2. GST-fusions of Heh2 domains were immobilized on GST-beads (bottom, coomassie panels) and incubated with buffer or whole cell extracts (WCE) as indicated in legend. HA fusions detected by Western blot.
See Figure S3.