Figure 3. Src is activated downstream of Wnt signalling in the adult Drosophila midgut.
A qRT-PCR of whole midguts from 7-day-old control and Apc1−/− (Apc1Q8) animals to assess transcript levels of Src42 and Src64. Only Src42 was significantly upregulated in the midgut in response to Apc1 loss. Data represent average values ± SEM.
B–C’ 7-day-old control (B, B’) and Apc1Q8 midguts (C, C’) co-stained with anti-pSrc (red) and anti-Delta (green). Apc1Q8 midguts display significant pSrc upregulation within Delta+ve ISCs (arrows). Scale bars, 20 µm.
D–F’ pSrc immunofluorescence (red) in 14-day-old midguts from control animals or animals subjected to Wg signalling upregulation by overexpressing Wg or activated β-catenin/Armadillo within ISCs/EBs (esgts > gfp; esgts > wg and esgts > armS10, respectively). Note pSrc upregulation in ISCs/EBs in response to Wg signalling activation (arrows). Scale bars, 20 µm.
G–I’ pSrc staining (red) in 14-day-old midguts from control animals or animals subject to wg knockdown by overexpressing a wg RNAi within ISCs/EBs (esgts>wg-IR) and fed with Suc (G, G’) or Pe (H-I’). Note that pSrc upregulation in ISCs/EBs upon Pe feeding (H, H’ arrows) is suppressed by wg knockdown (I, I’). Scale bars, 20 µm.