Obese asthmatic subjects were grouped into those with elevated IgE (TH2-high) and those with normal IgE (TH2-high). Sensitivity to methacholine was measured as the dose response slope (DRS), calculated as the two point slope from the fall in lung function at the end of challenge divided by the dose of methacholine (MCh) in µmoles. The sensitivity to airway narrowing and airway closure was determined by calculating a DRS using % fall in FEV1/FVC (DRS(FEV1/FVC)) and % fall in FVC (DRSFVC). DRS is log-normally distributed and is thus plotted on a log-scale
The p-values shown are for the TH2-status × surgery interaction factor
.p = 0.79 (A) and 0.11 (B) for effect of surgery