Figure 5. Representative examples of the three measurement gap motifs identified.
Each laboratory test motif is presented on a log-log scale as a histogram of the days between consecutive test measurements for each patient, aggregated across the full population. (i) Troponin represents a primarily inpatient laboratory test, with a peak at 0 days and displays an approximately linear relationship in the coordinate system; (ii) HbA1c is an example of a primarily outpatient laboratory test, showing a highly peaked distribution around 91 days; (iii.a) Glucose represents a mixture of in- and outpatient measurements, evidenced by the complex histogram: a high peak at on a short time scale (less than 10 days) and another peak at long time scales (multiple months); (iii.b) Triglycerides is another example of mixed laboratory test dynamics but with a slightly different mixture type: triglycerides has a high outpatient component and shows two different time scale peaks with a large quantity of measurements on the long time scale.