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. 2014 Oct 4;15(1):857. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-15-857

Table 1.

General features of the prasinophyte cpDNAs compared in this study

Taxon Size Introns b
Name Label Total (bp) IR (bp) A + T (%) Genes a GI GII Intergenic c(%) Repeats d(%)
Clade VI
Prasinococcus sp. CCMP 1194 PCUS 85,590 67.9 115 14.3 0.9
Prasinophyceae sp. MBIC 106222 MBIC 72,423 62.1 103 13.4 1.1
Prasinoderma coloniale CCMP 1220 PRMA 77,750 65.9 106 16.0 0.4
Clade I
Pyramimonas parkeae CCMP 726 PYRA 101,605 13,057 65.3 110 1 22.4 0.5
Clade II
Micromonas sp. RCC 299 MICR 72,585 7,307 61.2 86e 19.0 0
Monomastix sp. OKE-1 MONO 114,528 61.0 94 5 1 44.6 16.9
Ostreococcus tauri OSTR 71,666 6,824 60.1 88 1 15.1 0
Clade III
Nephroselmis astigmatica NIES 252 NAST 125,042 13,742 59.5 123 2 18.6 0.3
Nephroselmis olivacea NIES 484 NOLI 200,801 46,137 57.9 128f 45.6 0.5
Clade V
Pycnococcus provasolii CCMP 1203 PYCN 80,211 60.5 99g 1 14.0 0
Clade VII
Picocystis salinarum CCMP 1897 PICO 81,133 10,364 62.7 114 1 9.2 0
Prasinophyceae sp. CCMP 1205 1205 64,335 63.3 100 10.0 0

aDuplicated genes were counted only once.

bNumber of group I (GI) and group II (GII) introns is given.

cOnly the ORFs coding for proteins of known functions or having recognized domains were considered as genes.

dNonoverlapping repeat elements were mapped on each genome with RepeatMasker [70] using the repeats ≥30 bp identified with REPuter [69] as input sequences.

eThis value is probably an underestimate because the genome sequence appears to be incomplete and missing three genes (see the legend of Figure 4).

fThe ycf20 pseudogene, which corresponds to the annotated orf111, was not counted.

gThis value differs from that reported previously [25] because an additional gene, rrf (coordinates 33313–33429 in [GenBank:NC_012097]), was identified using RNAmmer [64] in the course of this study.