Fig. 5. Monocyte subset localization in human liver tissue.
The localization of monocyte subsets based on the expression of CD14 and CD16 and the expression of CD68 was tested by immunofluorescent staining. (A) Immunofluorescent staining images showing the colocalization of CD14+CD16+ monocytes with CD68+ liver macrophages along the hepatic sinusoids. Single positive CD16+ (B) and CD14+ (C) monocytes and CD14+CD68+ (A; white arrow) and CD16+CD68+ (D; white arrows) monocyte/macrophages are also detected in human liver tissue (red = CD14, green = CD16, blue = CD68, and gray = DAPI). (E) Image showing staining with isotype matched control antibody (IMC). Images were acquired using a ×100 oil objective.