Figure 2. Clonal analysis of ORN synapse number.
Representative high magnification confocal stacks of small clones of DL4 ORNs (A) and DM6 ORNs (B) expressing Brp-Short-mStraw (red) and mCD8-GFP (green). (C) Frequency histogram of Brp-Short puncta in DL4 clones (n = 93 clones from 64 animals). (D) Frequency histogram of Brp-Short puncta in DM6 clones (n = 90 clones from 64 animals). Both graphs exhibit notable periodicity, suggesting that each neuron contributes approximately the same number of synapses. Colored dashed lines indicate Gaussian fits for individual peaks. Solid black lines represent the best-fit sum of Gaussian relationship for each dataset. (E) Quantification of Brp-Short puncta from identified single neuron clones to DL4 (n = 16 clones) or DM6 (n = 17 clones). (F) Quantification of synapse density from all clones. In both DL4 and DM6, the clonal average density is identical to the class average density. In (E) and (F), data represent mean ± SEM. Scale bar = 5 μm.