(A) Diagram of the antennal lobe with the DA1 glomerulus outlined showing the experimental design. Or67d-positive ORN axon terminals that innervate DA1 are outlined in black; their active zones are labeled by Or67d-QF-driven QUAS-Brp-Short-mStraw. Mz19-GAL4-positive PNs that project dendrites to DA1 express UAS-RNAi against ten-m in experimental animals. (B–C) Representative high magnification confocal z-stack images of DA1 ORNs expressing Brp-Short in control animals (B) or in animals concurrently expressing ten-m RNAi in the DA1 and VA1d PNs (C) and stained with antibodies against mStraw (red) and N-Cadherin (blue). (D) Quantification of Brp-Short puncta in the noted genotypes. Controls 1 and 2 represent Brp-Sh puncta assayed by GAL4/UAS (as in Figure 1) and QF/QUAS binary system binary system, respectively, and are not significantly different, as assayed by student's t test (n.s.). Significance of ten-m PN RNAi was assayed by student's t test between it and Control 2. ***p < 0.001. In all cases, data represent mean ± SEM and n ≥ 5 animals, 10 antennal lobes. Scale bar = 5 μm.