Table 6. Demonstration Case Management Costs.
Item | Project I | Project P | Project H |
Total Invoiced Cost | $1,217,069 | $673,151 | $808,424 |
Case Manager Cost | $623,364 | $226,952 | $264,543 |
Case Manager Cost as Percent of Total | 51.2 | 33.7 | 32.7 |
Total Client Months | 9,381 | 3,540 | 2,169 |
Total Cost per Client Month | $130 | $190 | $373 |
Case Manager Cost per Client Month | $66 | $64 | $122 |
SOURCES: Costs comes from demonstration project invoices to the Health Care Financing Administration. Enrollment information comes from the Project I, P, and H demonstration databases developed to monitor the flow of clients into projects.