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. 2004 Summer;25(4):119–141.

Table 3. Descriptive Statistics for Community and Institutionalized Residents.

Variables Community Institutional

Observations Mean Annualized Expenditures Predictive Ratio1 Observations Mean Annualized Expenditures Predictive Ratio1
Overall 1,291,308 5,213 0.99 65,593 8,937 1.12
0-34 Years 7,007 3,623 1.00 49 9,251 0.99
35-44 Years 15,566 4,332 1.00 199 9,395 0.94
45-54 Years 22,077 4,692 1.00 473 8,869 1.07
55-59 Years 14,023 5,254 1.00 343 10,168 0.91
60-64 Years 15,793 5,993 1.00 501 9,906 1.04
65-69 Years 129,970 3,714 1.00 1,380 10,961 0.99
70-74 Years 171,775 4,372 1.00 3,098 10,901 0.97
75-79 Years 157,586 5,260 1.00 6,260 9,458 1.08
80-84 Years 111,303 6,101 0.99 9,801 8,797 1.13
85-89 Years 66,301 6,882 0.97 12,294 8,054 1.19
90-94 Years 26,852 7,606 0.92 9,535 7,146 1.29
95 Years or Over 8,074 7,338 0.83 4,729 5,734 1.42
0-34 Years 10,272 2,868 1.00 106 10,622 0.95
35-44 Years 22,913 3,666 1.00 384 9,596 0.92
45-54 Years 29,377 3,968 1.00 606 10,186 0.91
55-59 Years 16,391 4,651 1.00 438 10,340 0.96
60-64 Years 18,581 5,214 1.00 588 10,486 1.00
65-69 Years 105,856 4,018 1.00 1,132 12,432 0.88
70-74 Years 128,874 5,014 1.00 1,921 11,501 0.99
75-79 Years 106,402 6,207 1.00 2,842 11,411 1.04
80-84 Years 64,263 7,083 1.00 3,404 11,049 1.06
85-89 Years 30,765 8,144 0.99 3,116 10,754 1.08
90-94 Years 9,343 8,731 0.97 1,783 9,489 1.20
95 Years or Over 1,944 9,062 0.92 611 8,096 1.37
Medicaid 196,604 6,523 0.97 33,074 8,895 1.17
Originally-Disabled 81,894 7,614 0.99 7,415 10,606 1.11

Ratio of mean expenditures predicted by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services - Hierarchical Condition Categories (CMS-HCC) model for combined community/institutional samples to mean actual expenditures.

SOURCE: Pope, G.C. and Kautter, J., RTI International, Ellis, R.P. and Ash, A.S., Boston University, Ayanian, J.Z., Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital, Iezzoni, L.I., Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Ingber, M.J., Levy, J.M., and Robst, J., Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Analysis of 1999-2000 Medicare 5% Standard Analytic File (SAF).