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. 2005 Summer;26(4):1–19.

Table 7. Disease Management ROI Analysis for Depression Studies.

Study Design Sample Size
Evaluation Period (Years) Intervention Program Cost
Intervention Program Savings
Total Benefits/Costs
Intervention Control Total Per Participant Total Per Participant
Experimental Design
RCT 169 0 1.0 $201,279 $1,191.00 $(80,824.25) $(478.25) (0.40)
RCT 95 92 2.3 57,665.00 607.00
RCT 188 180 0.5 9,588 51.00 (15,792.00) (84.00) (1.65)
RCT 110 109 0.5 38,500 350.00 (32,560.00) (296.00) (0.85)
RCT 205 169 1.0 1,137,545 5,549.00 (336,200.00) (1,640.00) (0.30)
RCT 194 192 1.0 49,664 256.00 (13,968.00) (72.00) 0.28
RCT 440 498 0.5 (737,000.00) (1,675.00)
RCT 913 443 2.0 414,502.00 (454.00)
Average 289 210 1.1 239,429 1,479.40 (196,647.66) (511.53) (0.35)

NOTES: ROI is return on investment. RCT is randomized clinical trials. CBA is controlled, before and after study design. NA is not applicable.

SOURCE: Cornell University Institute for Policy Studies, 2004.