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. 2007 Summer;28(4):15–30.

Table 5. Predictive Ratios for Selected Characteristics.

Characteristic BlueCross® BlueShield® Sample Medicaid Sample Total

Observations Age/Sex Model RxHCC Model Observations Age/Sex Model RxHCC Model Observations Age/Sex Model RxHCC Model
All Enrollees 726,705 0.994 0.999 130,207 1.007 1.009 856,912 0.995 1.000
Deciles—Year 2 Predicted Plan Liability
First (Lowest) 72,671 3.429 1.543 13,021 2.860 1.240 85,691 3.392 1.517
Second 72,671 1.668 1.054 13,021 2.434 1.262 85,691 1.750 1.076
Third 72,671 1.276 0.975 13,021 1.535 1.019 85,691 1.299 0.979
Fourth 72,671 1.100 0.952 13,021 1.228 0.966 85,691 1.109 0.952
Fifth 72,671 0.977 0.934 13,021 1.060 0.943 85,691 0.984 0.935
Sixth 72,670 0.901 0.935 13,021 0.941 0.939 85,691 0.901 0.934
Seventh 72,670 0.835 0.942 13,021 0.864 0.944 85,691 0.836 0.942
Eighth 72,670 0.782 0.961 13,020 0.797 0.974 85,691 0.783 0.964
Nine 72,670 0.731 0.994 13,020 0.734 1.015 85,691 0.731 0.998
Tenth (Highest) 72,670 0.666 1.088 13,020 0.590 1.072 85,691 0.656 1.087
Hospitalizations—Year 1
0 584,530 1.072 1.001 98,163 1.077 0.991 685,693 1.072 1.000
1 91,685 0.818 0.983 18,170 0.809 1.025 109,555 0.817 0.988
2 31,465 0.746 0.998 6,969 0.738 1.054 38,434 0.745 1.006
3 10,802 0.691 1.012 3,142 0.688 1.058 13,944 0.690 1.020
4+ 8,223 0.658 1.049 3,763 0.652 1.141 11,986 0.656 1.074

NOTES: Predictive ratios greater than 1.0 indicate overprediction; ratios less than 1 denote underprediction. RxHCC is prescription drug hierarchical condition categories. Data represent 1999/2000 Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries and 2001/2002 BC®BS® enrollees.

SOURCE: Robst, J., University of South Florida, Levy, J.M., Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, and Ingber, M.J., RTI International, 2007.