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. 2008 Winter;30(2):19–33.

Table 7. Model 2 Logistic Regression Results: Facility Receipt of a Deficiency in Medically-Related Social Services by Facility Structural Variables and Facility Culture Variables.

B S.E. Wald df p Exp(B) Odds Ratio
Step 1: Facility Structure
Ownership Turnover 0.111 0.108 1.064 1 0.302 1.118
Facility Location 2.020 0.654 9.540 1 0.002 7.540
SSD Caseload 0.018 0.008 5.319 1 0.021 1.018
Ownership Status 0.538 0.751 0.513 1 0.474 1.713
Step 2: Facility Culture
SSD Job Autonomy -0.043 0.094 0.206 1 0.650 0.958
SSD Job Influence -0.027 0.090 0.089 1 0.766 0.974
Support for Negotiating Conflict 0.049 0.081 0.366 1 0.545 1.050
Sufficient time to complete work -0.285 0.256 1.241 1 0.265 0.752
Intercept -3.339 2.235 2.231 1 0.135 0.035

NOTES: df is degrees of freedom. S.D. is standard error. SSD is social service director. Likelihood ratio test: χ2 [4, n = 121] = 105.122, p <0.000. Cox & Snell R2: χ2 [4, n = 121] =0.237, p =0.000. Nagelkerke R2 = 0.336. Hosmer and Lemeshow Test: χ2[8, n = 121] = 6.006, p =0.640.

SOURCE: Bonifas, R.P., Arizona State University, 2008; and Online Survey and Certification Reporting System (OSCAR) data, 2002-2004.