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. 2014 Oct 13;8:313. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2014.00313

Table 1.

Summary of the metabolic and behavioral effects of central CART administration via various intracerebroventricular and intranuclear delivery methods.

Year Publication Targeting peptide/CART fragment Route of adminis-tration Species (genetic background) Diet Feeding behavior and body weight alterations Locomotor behavior
1998 Kristensen et al., 1998 CART I (55–102) i.c.v. Rat Standard chow ↓ Spontaneous feeding; ↓ Fast-induced feeding; ↓ NPY-induced feeding N/A
1998 Lambert et al., 1998 CART (55–59) i.c.v. Rat Standard chow ~ Spontaneous feeding N/A
1998 Lambert et al., 1998 CART (55–76) i.c.v. Rat Standard chow ↓ Spontaneous feeding; ↓ NPY-induced feeding N/A
1998 Lambert et al., 1998 CART (62–76) i.c.v. Rat Standard chow ↓ Spontaneous feeding N/A
1998 Thim et al., 1998 CART I (55–102); CART II (62–102) i.c.v. Mouse Standard chow ↓ Fast-induced feeding N/A
1999 Vrang et al., 1999b CART I (42–89) i.c.v.g Rat Standard chow ↓ Spontaneous feeding (in food-restricted animals) and ↓ NPY-induced feeding N/A
2000 Edwards et al., 2000 CART I (55–102) i.c.v. Rat Standard chow ↓ Spontaneous feeding N/A
2000 Kask et al., 2000 CART (62–76) i.c.v. Rat Standard chow ↓ Spontaneous feeding N/A
2000 Volkoff and Peter, 2000 CART I (55–102); CART (62–76) i.c.v. Goldfish Standard chow ↓ Spontaneous feeding and ↓ NPY-induced feeding (in food-restricted animals) N/A
2000 Larsen et al., 2000 CART I (42–89) i.c.v. (chronic infusion) Lean and obese Zucker (fa/fa) rats Standard chow ↓ Spontaneous feeding (in both free-feeding and food-restricted animals); dose-dependent ↓ in body weight Dose-dependent motor disturbances (combined gait and walking ataxia)
2000 Okumura et al., 2000 CART I (55–102) i.c. Rat Standard chow ↓ Fast-induced feedingb N/A
2000 Wang et al., 2000 CART I (55–102) intra-PVN Rat Standard chow ↓ NPY-induced feedingi N/A
2001 Bannon et al., 2001 CART I (55–102); CART II (62–102) i.c.v. Mouse Standard chow ↓ Fast-induced feeding N/A
2001 Abbott et al., 2001 CART I (55–102) Hypothalamic intranuclear injections (VMH, Arc, PVN, SON, DMH, LHA and AHA) Rat Standard chow ↑ Spontaneous feeding (only measured in satiated animals cannulated into the DMH or Arc); ↑ Fast-induced feeding N/A
2001 Abbott et al., 2001 CART I (55–102) i.c.v. (3V) Rat Standard chow ↓ Spontaneous feeding; ↓ Fast-induced feeding (↓ feeding episodes) Behavioral abnormalities marked by reduced feeding episodes, flat-backed posture and movement-associated tremors (behavioral analysis performed for 24-h fasted animals only but not satiated animals)
2001 Zheng et al., 2001 CART I (55–102) i.c.v. (LV and 4V) Rat Sucrose solution or standard chow ↓ Spontaneous feeding (↓ short-term sucrose intake and ↓ overnight chow intake)—effects more pronounced in 4V compared to LV administration Alterations in motor behavior (mild movement-associated tremors in part of 4V injected subjects)
2001a Aja et al., 2001a CART I (55–102) i.c.v. Rat Ensure liquid diet ↓ Spontaneous feeding (↓ liquid diet intake in licks and meal size in food restricted animals) Altered oral motor function and behavioral alterations (trance-like state, flat-backed and arched-backed postures, cage licking, movement-associated tremors)
2001b Aja et al., 2001b CART I (55–102) i.c.v. (3V) Rat Ensure liquid diet ↓ Spontaneous feeding (↓ liquid diet intake and observations of feeding in food restricted animals)—reductions significantly attentuated by aqueduct obstructiona Alterations in motor behavior (flat-backed and arched-backed postures and movement-associated tremors)—alterations significantly attentuated by aqueduct obstructiona
2001b Aja et al., 2001b CART I (55–102) i.c.v. (4V) Rat Ensure liquid diet ↓ Spontaneous feeding (↓ liquid diet intake and observations of feeding in food restricted animals)—reductions unaffected by aqueduct obstructiona Alterations in motor behavior (flat-backed and arched-backed postures and movement-associated tremors)—alterations unaffected by aqueduct obstructiona
2002 Aja et al., 2002 CART I (55–102) i.c.v. (4V) Rat Ensure liquid diet ↓ Spontaneous feeding (↓ liquid diet and water intake in food restricted animals); production of conditioned taste aversion N/A
2002 Rohner-Jeanrenaud et al., 2002 CART I (55–102) i.c.v. (chronic infusion) Rat (normal and DIO) Standard chow or HFD ↓ Spontaneous feeding and ↓ NPY-induced feeding; ↓ body weight gain N/A
2002 Zheng et al., 2002 CART I (55–102) i.c.v. (4V)h and intra-NTS Rat Sucrose solution or standard chow ↓ Spontaneous feeding (↓ short-term sucrose intake)—effects more pronounced in 4V compared to intra-NTS administration N/A
2003 Smedh and Moran, 2003 CART I (55–102) i.c.v. (4V) Rat Sucrose solution ↓ Spontaneous feeding (↓ sucrose intake in food restricted animals); altered lick microstrcuture parametersc N/A
2003 Kong et al., 2003 CART I (55–102) intra-Arcd Rat Standard chow ↑ Spontaneous feeding (in both free-feeding and food-restricted animals) and ↑ Fast-induced feeding; ↑ cumulative body weight gain; ↑ body weight loss following 24-hr fasting and food restrictioni N/A
2004 Wortley et al., 2004 CART I (55–102) i.c.v. (3V) Rat Standard chow ↓ Spontaneous feeding N/A
2005 Yang et al., 2005 CART I (55–102) intra-AcbSh Rat Standard chow ↓ Spontaneous feeding; ↓ Fast-induced feeding; ↓ GABA-A agonist muscimol-induced feeding N/A
2007 Qing and Chen, 2007 rat CART cDNA i.c.v.e Rat (DIO) High fat/high sucrose diet ↓ Spontaneous feeding; ↓ Fast-induced feeding; ↓ body weight gain (↓ lean mass; fat mass unaffected) N/A
2007 Jean et al., 2007 CART I (55–102) intra-AcbSh Mouse Standard chow ↓ Fast-induced feeding N/A
2007 Jean et al., 2007 CART siRNA intra-AcbSh Mouse Standard chow ↑ Spontaneous feeding and ↓ stimulating 5-HT4R- or MDMA-induced anorexia in staved animals N/A
2008 Smith et al., 2008 rAAV encoding full length rat CART cDNA (GenBank accession no. U10071) intra-PVNe Rat Standard chow or HFD ↑ Cumulative feeding and cumulative body weight gain; effects more accentuated on HFD N/A
2009 Skibicka et al., 2009 CART I (55–102) i.c.v. (4V) or intra-NTS Rat Standard chow [4V injection]f ↓ Spontaneous feeding and body weight (in food-restricted animals); hypophagic response and weight loss attenuated by pre-treatment with hindbrain delivery of GLP-1R antagonist (exendin-9-39); intra-NTS injection produced no observable effect on feeding or body weight N/A
2010 Hou et al., 2010 CART I (55–102) intra-Arc; intra-DMH Streptozotocin-diabetic rats Standard chow or HFD Chow diet: ↑ Spontaneous feeding (in satiated animals) (Arc) and ↑ Fast-induced feeding (DMH and Arc); HFD: ↑ Spontaneous feeding (Arc) N/A
2011 Nakhate et al., 2011 CART I (54–102) i.c.v. Rat Standard chow ↓ Spontaneous feeding and body weight; attenuated social isolation-induced hyperphagia and body weight gain N/A
2013 Nakhate et al., 2013 CART I (54–102) i.c.v. Rat Standard chow ↓ Spontaneous feeding; attenuated ALLO-induced hyperphagia and weight gain; potentiated DHEAS-induced anorexia and weight loss N/A

CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; DIO, diet-induced obese; HFD, high fat diet; BAT, brown adipose tissue; i.c.v., intracerebroventricular; i.c., intracisternal; LV, lateral ventricle; 3V, third ventricle; 4V, fourth ventricle; Acb, nucleus accumbens; AcbSh, nucleus accumbens shell; AHA, anterior hypothalamic area; Arc, arcuate nucleus; DMH, dorsomedial nucleus; LHA, lateral hypothalamic area; NTS, nucleus of the solitary tract; PBN, parabrachial nucleus; PVN, paraventricular nucleus; SON, supraoptic nucleus; VMH, ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus.

Effects on body weight described where results presented, otherwise either unaffected or information unavailable.

Effects on locomotor behavior described where results presented, otherwise either unaffected or information unavailable.


Cerebral aqueduct occlusion to interrupt forebrain-hindbrain CSF flow.


Inhibition of gastric function (suppression of gastric acid secretion and gastric emptying); inhibition of gastric acid secretion remained in vagotomized animals; inhibition of gastric acid secretion blocked by pretreatment with central administration of CRF receptor antagonist α-helical CRF9-41.


Inhibition of gastric function (suppression of gastric emptying); inhibition of gastric emptying blocked by pretreatment with central administration of CRF receptor antagonist α-helical CRF9-41; CART-induced inhibition of gastric emptying proposed unlikely to contribute to CART-mediated inhibition of food intake.


Acute administration through repeated injections and chronic overexpression using stereotactically targeted gene transfer.


Chronic overexpression using recombinant adeno-associated virus vector containing rat CART cDNA.


↑ Blood glucose levels; hyperglycemic response not altered by GLP-1R blockade in animals pre-treated with GLP-1R antagonist (exendin-9-39).


Induction of Fos expression in the PVN, DMH, SON and Arc (hypothalamus), central nucleus of amygdala (cerebrum), PBN and NTS (hindbrain).


Induction of Fos expression in NTS neurons.


↑ UCP-1 expression thermogenic capacity in BAT.