A EncA from this study (pdb 4PT2; EMDataBank EMD-5917).
B Encapsulin from Thermotoga maritima (pdb 3DKT).
C Encapsulin from Pyrococcus furiosus (pdb 2E0Z).
D, E gp5* from HK97 in the Prohead II (D; pdb 3E8K) and Head II(E; pdb 2FT1) conformations. Models are rainbow-colored, with the N-termini of the solved structures in blue and the C-termini in red.
F Top views (upper row) and side views (lower row) of EncA and gp5* hexamers. The EncA hexamer is more similar to Prohead II gp5* than to Head II gp5* despite lacking the skew disclination of the Prohead II gp5* hexamer (cf. the respective frames).