Figure 2.
A) Experimental setup. A p-polarized LED light is directed onto a gold-coated glass slide mounted on a SF-11 prim to create SPR on the gold surface, which is captured with a CCD camera. In situ binding kinetics can be extracted from the time lapse SPR image when drug flown over a cell adhered on the gold chip. (B) Short-term noise level when using a superluminescent (SLD, red curves) and a light emitting diode (LED, black curves) as light source. (C) Long-term noise level for a LED light source with and without temperature control. D) Typical SPR image of a few tens of SK-BR3 cells adhered on a gold-coated coverslip. E) The SPR sensorgrams of each individual cells (black: average SPR sensorgram, red: fitted curve, grey background: cell-to-cell variation) and the surrounding regions without cell coverage (blue curve). F) The concentration-dependent SPR sensorgrams and global fitting (red curves). The Herceptin concentration was 21, 8.4, 4.2, 2.1, 1.05 and 0.42 μg/mL from top to bottom curve, respectively. Scale bar, 100 μm.