Table 1.
Participant Characteristics (N=11)
Name | Age | Race/Ethnicity | Children | Moves in 12 months | Ongoing IPV | Narrative Notes |
Cecelia | 35 | W | 2, very young | 6 | No | After a violent attack, partner in jail and participant was evicted from apartment. Children placed in foster care due to the violence. After moving multiple times was able to access rent assistance and her children were returned to her. |
Suzy | 45 | W, NA | 1, adult | 5 | No | Disabled, many chronic health issues, lifetime trauma history. After leaving abuser and moving multiple times to find stable housing, able to get subsidized housing for people with disabilities. |
Carol | 40 | AA | 3, school aged | 0 | Yes | Partner has been harassing her at home; contemplating move; has chronic health issues. Went to Legal Aid for help in navigating housing services. |
Shelley | 35 | Lat | 2, school-aged | 3 | No | Partner was an alcoholic and controlled all finances. When she left him was able to get into shelter, but had difficulty navigating housing services. Did find subsidized housing but struggles financially |
Elizabeth | 22 | W, Lat | 2, very young | 12 | No | Had charges filed against her by ex-partner, made it difficult to find housing. ‘Couch-surfed’ at friends’ and family’s homes, once charge was dropped was able to attain safe housing. |
Marie | 26 | AA | 3, very young | 1 | No | Though participant had eviction and credit issues related to abuser, was able to access Section 8 housing, but is concerned about her children living in the neighborhood because of drugs and crime. |
Jane | 24 | W, AA | 3, school-aged and very young | 1 | Yes | Abuser is in jail but participant is being threatened by his new girlfriend. Is receiving rent assistance, but knows won’t be able to afford her housing when the assistance ends. |
Rosie | 42 | Lat | 1, school-aged | 14 | Yes | Tried to leave abusive partner 10 times. After an assault where police were called, she stayed with multiple people before accessing a rent assistance program. Abuser has violated the restraining order multiple times. Does not feel safe in her home but cannot afford to move. |
Kelly | 28 | Lat | 2, school-aged | 2 | Yes | Jumped off a balcony with her daughter to escape abuser. She lived in her car, the park, and friends’ houses while trying to get stable housing. Got into housing from coordinating assistance with several services. Very afraid abuser will find her as he has in the past. |
Megan | 25 | Lat | 4, school-aged | 3 | Yes | After leaving abuser, he took one of their children and continued to stalk and threaten her, forcing her to move multiple times to hide. Struggles with depression but feels safe for now in her current housing. |
Ellen | 39 | W | 2 school aged, 2 adult | 0 | Yes | Participant was able to access a one time grant for DV survivors in order to move into stable housing. Struggles with PTSD. |