Fig. 3.
Analysis of periodate-treated Glu–tRNAAsp and Asp–tRNAAsp. (A) Glu–tRNAAsp and Asp–tRNAAsp was treated with periodate and then lysine, deacylated, and subjected to gel electrophoresis for size determination. tRNA was visualized by hybridization with 32P-labeled probes against tRNAAsp. N, position of intact tRNAAsp; N-1, tRNAAsp without the terminal adenosine; N*, YadB-generated Glu–tRNAAsp lacking the terminal adenosine; tRNA control. (B) Glu–tRNAAsp was treated with periodate, deacylated and then recharged with either glutamate and YadB (○) or aspartate and E. coli AspRS (•). Untreated tRNA is aminoacylated by YadB (□) and AspRS (▪).