Fig. 3.
Expression of mutant myoglobin by AGGA suppression. (A) Protein was produced from the myoglobin gene with an AGGA codon at position G24 (Myo24AGGA) only in the presence of all three components, AK514 tRNA, hGlnRS (an hGln-specific variant of PhKRSΔ), and hGln (lanes 2–5). Expression of myoglobin by amber suppression at position 75 (Myo75TAG) was only possible with JYRS and its cognate amber tRNA, demonstrating the mutual orthogonality of the lysyl and tyrosyl pairs (lanes 6–9). (B) Protein was expressed from a myoglobin gene containing AGGA at position 24 and TAG at position 75 (Myo24AGGA/75TAG) in the presence of both the lysyl and tyrosyl pairs. hGln was incorporated by AGGA suppression at position 24 and OMeTyr was incorporated by amber suppression at position 75 in a single polypeptide by using hGlnRS and OMeTyrRS. Protein was visualized with an anti-His6 antibody.