Figure 1.
SLO-2 is an important contributor to delayed outward current in cholinergic and GABAergic motor neurons. A. Diagram showing the locations of the recorded motor neurons VD5, VA5 and VB6 (based on published anatomical data63). B. Sample whole-cell current traces in response to voltage steps (−60 to +70 mV at 10-mV intervals) from a holding voltage of −60 mV (left) and current-voltage relationships (right) from VA5, VB6 and VD5 of wild type (WT), slo-2(nf101), slo-2 rescue, shk-1(ok1581), slo-2(nf101);shk-1(ok1581), shl-1(ok1168), and slo-1(md1745). In VA5 and VB6, delayed outward current was greatly decreased in slo-2(nf101) compared with WT but not further decreased in the slo-2;shk-1 double mutant. In VD5, delayed outward current was greatly decreased in both slo-2(nf101) and shk-1(ok1581), and was essentially absent in the slo-2;shk-1 double mutant. Data are shown as mean ± SE. The asterisk (*) indicates a significant difference compared with WT whereas the pound sign (#) indicates a significant difference compared with the single mutants of slo-2 and shk-1 (p < 0.01, two-way mixed model ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc tests). The recordings were performed with extracellular solution I and pipette solution I.