CSF1R-transgene expression is restricted to macrophages in MacReporter embryos. (A) CSF1R-mApple+ cells (red) are restricted to the lumen of primitive blood vessels in ubiquitous CAG-eGFP-expressing HH13 stage embryos (green). (B,C) Confocal analysis of transgene expression in HH21 stage CSF1R-mApple embryos indicates that transgene expression is restricted to CD45+ (B, green), CSF1R+ (C, green) cells in the mesenchyme (red arrowheads) and not CD45+ cells budding from the epithelial layer of the dorsal aorta (white arrowheads). Dotted lines mark the blood vessel (BV) lumen. Scale bars in A-C: 100 µm. (D-F) Confocal analysis of CSF1R staining (green) of CSF1R-mApple transgene-expressing cells (red) in the mesenchyme tissue of a HH29 embryo. The transgene is expressed in cells (red) that are CD45+ (D, green) and CSF1R+ (E, green), but are CD41/61− (F, green). Scale bars in D-F: 100 µm. BV, blood vessel lumen. (G) Scattered eGFP+ cells are found in the embryonic (Emb.) and extra-exbryonic (Ex-Emb) tissues of HH15 MacGreen embryos. Scale bar: 200 µm. (H-J) Colocalization of eGFP+ cells with LysoTracker Red-stained lysosomes in HH33 embryo footplate and in the interdigit region. Inset in J shows the boxed area in more detail. Scale bars in G-J: 200 µm.