Changes in [Ca2+]i and extracellular ATP in HMC-1 cells in response to noxious heat that activates TRPV1 (43 °C) and TRPV2 (52 °C), and either in the absence (dark grey bars) or presence (light grey bars) of 5 mM EGTA. (A) Quantitative analysis from several sets of experiments normalized to basal [Ca2+]i–dependent fluorescence at 28 °C (=100% of Calcium Green-1 loaded HMC-1 cells). Data represent averages ± SEM from N = 3–4 independent experiments (* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, compared to 28 °C; $$ p < 0.01 compare to 43 °C, ## p < 0.01, compared to 52 °C); (B) ATP content in cell suspension after 3 min of incubation at the respective temperatures. Data represent averages ±SEM from n = 6–42 samples of N = 3–11 independent experiments (* p = < 0.05 and ** p < 0.0001, compared to control; ## p < 0.0001, compare to 52 °C). Data in (A) are unpublished, data in (B) are based on Hu et al. 2014 [26].