Fig. 4.
Protein trap lines that label intranuclear structures in primary spermatocytes that are likely to correspond to the giant loops of the Y chromosome. (A) Pasilla (CPTI-000668) marks the C-loop of the Y chromosome in primary spermatocytes. (B-F) Smooth (CPTI-002828) (B), NonA (CPTI-003091) (C), Hrb98DE (CPTI-000205) (D), Squid (CPTI-000239) (E), ZAP3 (CPTI-004292) (F) and Muscleblind (CPTI-003555) (G) label similar structures that are likely to be giant loops of the Y chromosome. (H-J) NonA (H), ZAP3 (I) and Hrb98DE (J) also mark intranuclear speckles in the nurse cells and follicle cells of the ovary. (K) Hrb98DE localisation on the polytene chromosomes of the larval salivary gland.