Synergistic pouch and cartilage defects in compound wnt11r; fgf8a mutants. (A-D) Alcama immunohistochemistry (green) labeled five pouches (p1-p5) in wild-type embryos at 34 hpf. Compared with the mild reductions of pouches in wnt11r or fgf8a single mutants, compound wnt11r−/−; fgf8a−/− mutants had a near complete loss of pouches. Sensory ganglia are indicated with red asterisks. (E-H) Dissections of facial cartilage at 5 dpf. Wild type had five CBs on each side, wnt11r and fgf8a single mutants had variable fusions and losses of on average one CB and compound wnt11r−/−; fgf8a−/− mutants lost multiple CBs. (I) Quantification of defects. Number of embryos examined (pouches, CBs): wild type (106, 102), wnt11r−/− (66, 57), fgf8a−/− (68, 98), and wnt11r−/−; fgf8a−/− (24, 20). Data represent mean±s.e.m. ***P<0.001 relative to fgf8a mutants alone. Scale bar: 40 μm (A-D).