A, in control Ano1 WT tissue, representative traces from four different ICC showed no significant change in the amplitude or coordination of Ca2+ transients over 15 min. B–D, representative traces of Ca2+ transients upon pharmacological agent treatment showing the loss of coordinated Ca2+ transients in Ano1 WT tissue: 15 min treatment with NFA (1 μm, B), DIDS (10 μm, C) and NPPB (10 μm, E). E, measurements in Ano1 WT tissues upon treatment with NFA, DIDS and NPPB showed a significantly lower (*P < 0.001, paired t test) synchronicity index (n = 3). F, no significant difference in frequency was observed upon DIDS and NPPB treatment of Ano1 WT tissue, while significantly lower frequency (**P < 0.05, paired t test) was observed upon NFA treatment (n = 3). G, no significant difference in peak amplitude was observed upon pharmacological agent treatment of Ano1 WT tissue (n = 3, P = n.s., paired t test).