Figure 1. Akt is a Trbl interacting gene in a wing misexpression screen.
(A) engrailedGAL4>UAS-Y control wing shows normal size and trichome distribution in both the anterior and posterior compartments (genotype enGAL4>UAS-Y). (B) engrailedGAL4>UAS-Trbl misexpression in the posterior compartment shows a reduced trichome density relative to WT (genotype enGAL4>UAS-lacZ, UAS-Trbl). (C) The Trbl misexpression trichome phenotype is suppressed by coexpression of Akt, restoring the normal distribution of trichomes (genotype enGAL4>UAS-Akt, UAS-Trbl). (D-K). Fijiwings analysis of Trbl and Akt misexpression in wing. (D–F) Detection of trichomes for representative wings. (G–I) Heat map analysis of intervein areas for representative wings. Note that third posterior intervein region in WT is red, brown in Trbl misexpressing wing and the same area is reddish brown following co-expression of Akt. (J) Measurement of trichome density (in trichomes per kilopixel) is the result of the average of at least four wings for each genotype. Trbl misexpression in posterior wing compartment resulted in an 18.3% decrease in trichome density, an effect that was not lessened by co-misexpression of a UAS-lacZ transgene, indicating UAS-transgene dosage did not modify Trbl phenotypes, and this reduction was antagonized by co-misexpression of UAS-Akt. For J and K, for average trichome densities, n = 8 for UAS-Y and UAS-Trbl, 10 for UAS-Trbl UAS-lacZ and UAS-Akt; UAS-Trbl, 6 and 4 for 41903 and 42523 RNAis respectively. P values calculated from one way ANOVA (for the entire group) and from two-tailed paired t test (between two genotypes where indicated) are summarized in Table S1 (n.s. = not significant; *P<0.05; **P<0.01; ***P<0.001), and all error bars are ± SD. (K) Measurement of area (kpx, in kilopixels of third posterior intervein region) is the average of at least three wings for each genotype. Trbl misexpression in posterior wing compartment resulted in a 12% decrease in intervein tissue size, an effect that was not suppressed by co-misexpression of a UAS-lacZ transgene, indicating UAS-transgene dosage did not modify Trbl phenotypes and this reduction was effectively antagonized by co-misexpression of UAS-Akt. For areas, n = 3 for all cases except for 42523 RNAi where n = 2.