Table 1. Reasons given by investigators for non-publication of studies –summary of results of included surveys.
Reasons | No. ofsurveys thatreportedthe reason | Total no. of statedreason/unpublishedstudies | Reported proportion:median (range) |
Non-submission | 30 | 2156/2592 | 85% (55%, 100%) |
Study incomplete or ongoing | 18 | 273/1509 | 15% (3%, 56%) |
In preparation or under review | 22 | 293/1778 | 12% (3%, 65%) |
Study not for publication | 9 | 107/880 | 14% (3%, 38%) |
Similar findings published | 10 | 52/867 | 5% (3%, 13%) |
Submission rejected by journal | 25 | 210/2197 | 6% (2%, 27%) |
Fear of being rejected | 9 | 110/926 | 12% (6%, 26%) |
Lack of time or low priority | 32 | 873/2634 | 33% (11%, 60%) |
Results not important or negative | 19 | 293/1593 | 12% (1%, 34%) |
Poor study quality or design | 16 | 197/1611 | 11% (2%, 32%) |
Sponsor/funder problems | 4 | 31/230 | 9% (5%, 24%) |
Author/co-author problems | 14 | 156/1337 | 10% (4%, 23%) |