Table IV.
No. | Exp. MM | Exp. PI | Arabidopsis Protein Name | Cov. | Theo. MM | Theo. PI | AGI No. | Relative Abundanced |
kD | % | kD | Ama/H2O | |||||
69a | 43.67 | 6.29 | 12S seed storage protein precursor | 18 | 50.56 | 6.53 | At1g03880 | ≥100 |
87a | 18.43 | 6.36 | β-Cruciferin 12S seed storage protein | 33 | 20.72 | 6.36 | At1g03880 | 34.5 ± 0.22 |
141a | 29.35 | 7.42 | α-Cruciferin 12S seed storage protein | 21 | 29.23 | 6.49 | At5g44120 | 31.4 ± 0.58 |
214b | 27.14 | 6.10 | α-Cruciferin 12S seed storage protein | 23 | 29.86 | 6.60 | At1g03880 | 18.6 ± 0.28 |
82a | 33.89 | 6.24 | α-Cruciferin 12S seed storage protein (fragment) | 42 | 34.68 | 6.42 | At4g28520 | 18.2 ± 0.62 |
246b | 32.75 | 6.54 | Globulin seed storage protein precursor (fragment) | 14 | 55.06 | 6.64 | At3g22640 | 10.7 ± 0.51 |
85a | 27.20 | 6.50 | α-Cruciferin 12S seed storage protein | 32 | 29.86 | 6.60 | At1g03880 | 8.7 ± 0.31 |
245b | 29.95 | 6.53 | α-Cruciferin 12S seed storage protein | 16 | 29.86 | 6.60 | At1g03880 | 4.1 ± 0.49 |
76a | 23.94 | 5.58 | α-Cruciferin 12S seed storage protein (fragment) | 27 | 34.68 | 6.42 | At4g28520 | 2.7 ± 0.51 |
84a | 30.46 | 6.61 | α-Cruciferin 12S seed storage protein | 42 | 29.23 | 6.49 | At5g44120 | 2.7 ± 0.02 |
25a | 23.32 | 6.89 | β-Cruciferin 12S seed storage protein (fragment) | 43 | 21.20 | 6.19 | At4g28520 | 2.6 ± 0.21 |
77a | 25.42 | 5.78 | α-Cruciferin 12S seed storage protein (fragment) | 30 | 34.68 | 6.42 | At4g28520 | 2.4 ± 0.33 |
80a | 32.64 | 5.85 | α-Cruciferin 12S seed storage protein (fragment) | 33 | 34.68 | 6.42 | At4g28520 | 2.0 ± 0.49 |
83a | 34.35 | 6.42 | α-Cruciferin 12S seed storage protein | 33 | 34.68 | 6.42 | At4g28520 | 2.0 ± 0.15 |
88a | 22.82 | 8.68 | α-Cruciferin 12S seed storage protein (fragment) | 44 | 34.68 | 6.42 | At4g28520 | 2.0 ± 0.13 |
255b | 21.65 | 5.18 | Dehydrin RAB18-related protein | Seqc | 18.46 | 7.10 | At5g66400 | 2.4 ± 0.19 |
254b | 22.10 | 4.96 | Dehydrin RAB18-related protein | Seqc | 18.46 | 7.10 | At5g66400 | 2.0 ± 0.06 |
190a | 101.60 | 5.82 | HSP101 | 13 | 101.29 | 5.81 | At1g74310 | ≥100 |
137a | 76.06 | 5.07 | HSP70 | 8 | 71.10 | 5.14 | At3g12580 | 2.0 ± 0.11 |
34b | 13.32 | 6.02 | Major latex protein | 37 | 18.06 | 6.88 | At1g14950 | ≥100 |
99a | 13.32 | 6.28 | Major latex protein | 59 | 18.06 | 6.88 | At1g14950 | 21.0 ± 0.47 |
37a | 40.29 | 6.49 | Cytosolic GAPDH | 26 | 36.91 | 6.62 | At3g04120 | ≥100 |
79a | 27.24 | 5.20 | F4I1.20 protein | 26 | 23.67 | 4.86 | At2g44390 | ≥100 |
96a | 64.62 | 6.08 | β-Glucosidase | 15 | 60.01 | 6.20 | At3g21370 | ≥100 |
116a | 30.24 | 5.77 | P1 clone:MRA19, Strong similarity to unknown protein T05029 | 33 | 28.78 | 5.92 | At5g45690 | 74.1 ± 0.28 |
144a | 15.87 | 6.82 | Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase | 48 | 18.37 | 7.68 | At4g38740 | 6.8 ± 0.48 |
174b | 38.70 | 5.73 | Cys synthase or O-acetylserine-thiol-lyase | 9 | 33.80 | 5.90 | At4g14880 | 6.1 ± 0.30 |
175a | 37.85 | 5.71 | Cys synthase or O-acetylserine-thiol-lyase | 30 | 33.80 | 5.90 | At4g14880 | ≥100 |
247b | 34.90 | 6.56 | Hydrolase | 19 | 37.64 | 8.90 | At4g39955 | 2.8 ± 0.26 |
264b | 18.70 | 6.05 | β-Cruciferin 12S seed storage protein | 29 | 20.72 | 6.36 | At1g03880 | 11.6 ± 0.44 |
H2O, tt2-1 seeds incubated for 1 d in water; Ama, α-amanitin, and tt2-1 seeds incubated for 1 d in 500 μm α-amanitin as described in “Materials and Methods”; Cov., coverage; Exp., experimental; Seq, protein identified by Edman sequencing; Theo., theoretical.
Listed proteins correspond to previously identified proteins (Gallardo et al., 2001, 2002a).
Listed proteins correspond to proteins identified during this work.
From Edman sequencing, the sequence QNRPGGQATE was found for both protein nos. 254 and 255; BLAST analysis showed that this sequence is present in the Arabidopsis dehydrin related RAB18 protein At5g66400. Note that although these two proteins correspond to abundant proteins in 2D gels colored with the GelCode blue stain reagent (see “Materials and Methods”), they are poorly stained by silver nitrate.
Data obtained from densitometric analysis of individual spots from 2D gels revealed by PhosphorImager analysis (see Fig. 6 for examples of in vivo protein synthesis of seeds labeled with [35S]Met): normalized spot volume in the tt2-1 mutant seeds incubated for 1 d in 500 μm α-amanitin divided by the normalized spot volume in the tt2-1 mutant seeds incubated for 1 d in water ±sd, from three different gels and independent extractions; ≥100 means that the accumulation level of the corresponding protein in seeds incubated 1 d on water was close to background.