Young's moduli of the epicuticle in comparison to the effective Young's modulus of adhesive organs. The first three boxes show the Young's moduli of the epicuticle, as determined by tensile testing followed by finite element simulation (CGI, CGII) or analytical determination (Analytical). The ends of the boxes define the 25th and 75th percentiles, with a line at the median and error bars to the maximum and minimum values (without regard to outliers). Outliers were marked as points and are defined as Zu=Q1−1.5*(Q3−Q1); Zo=Q3+1.5*(Q3−Q1) with Zu=outlier bottom, Zo=outlier top, Q1=25% quartile, Q3=75% quartile. The box furthest to the right shows the effective Young's moduli (eYM) of whole adhesive organs, as determined by indentation testing. These Young's moduli were adopted from Gorb et al. (Gorb et al., 2000), Perez Goodwyn et al. (Perez Goodwyn et al., 2006) and Scholz et al. (Scholz et al., 2008). The Young's modulus is plotted logarithmically.