In vitro binding of NRF-2 to putative binding sites on
the AMPA receptor subunit gene promoters as determined with EMSA and supershift
assays. 32P-labeled oligonucleotides, excess unlabeled oligos as
competitors, excess unlabeled mutant NRF-2 oligos as competitors, N2a nuclear
extract, and NRF-2α antibodies are indicated by a + or a − sign.
Arrowheads indicate specific NRF-2 shift, supershift, and non-specific
complexes. The positive control, COX6b, shows a shift and
supershift band (lanes 1 and 3, respectively). The addition of excess unlabeled
probe competed out the shift band (lane 2). The addition of N2a nuclear extract
yielded specific shift bands for both Gria1 and
Gria2 (lanes 4 and 9, respectively) that were competed out
by an excess of unlabeled oligos (lanes 5 and 10, respectively). The addition of
NRF-2 antibody yielded a supershift band for both Gria1 and
Gria2 (lanes 6 and 11, respectively). The addition of
excess unlabeled probes with mutated NRF-2 binding sites did not compete out the
shift reaction (lanes 7 and 12, respectively). The addition of NRF-2 antibody to
labeled Gria1 and Gria2 probes in the absence
of N2a extract did not reveal any antibody-to-probe reaction (lanes 8 and 13,
respectively). Labeled Gria1 and Gria2 probes
with mutated NRF-2 sites did not yield a specific NRF-2 shift band (lanes 14 and
16, respectively), nor a supershift band with the addition of NRF-2 antibody
(lanes 15 and 17, respectively).