Figure 2. Elicitation of potent mucosal CD8+ T cell responses with pulmonary nanoparticle vaccination.
(A) Intratracheal administration of ICMVs loaded with fluorescent OVA (red) resulted in efficient antigen delivery to mediastinal lymph nodes draining lungs by day 4. (B) Expansion and migration of OVA-specific OT-I CD8+ T cells expressing luciferase was monitored after vaccination. Pulmonary administration of ICMVs led to robust expansion of OT-I CD8+ T cells in the lungs by day 3, and their dissemination to the lungs (L), gastrointestinal tracts (G), Peyer’s patches (PP), and vaginal tract (V) by day 5. Mice immunized via pulmonary route with soluble antigen or subcutaneous route with particles had significantly reduced signals from OT-I T cells in mucosal tissues. (C) Pulmonary vaccination with ICMVs loaded with SIV gag antigen, AL11, and PADRE peptide on days 0 and 28 protected mice against challenge by intratracheal administration of AL11-expressing vaccinia virus, whereas pulmonary vaccination with soluble antigens or subcutaneous vaccination with particles failed to protect the animals. Reproduced with permission (52). Copyright 2013, The American Association for Advancement of Science.