Fig. 2.
Solution and spectroscopic properties of FAPolAF647. a Elution profiles at 220 nm (solid line) and 650 nm (dashed line) of crude FAPolAF647. The concentration injected was 5 g L−. Elution buffer: 0.1 M NaCl, 20 mM Tris/HCl, pH 8. au arbitrary units, Vel elution volume, V0 excluded volume, VT total volume. b Elution profiles at 220 nm (solid line) and 650 nm (dashed line) of purified FAPolAF647. Same conditions. The profiles were normalized to the same maximum. c Absorption spectrum of 0.1 g L− FAPolAF647 in the same buffer. d Emission (solid line) and excitation (dashed line) spectra of a 0.001 g L− solution of purified FAPolAF647; same buffer