Figure 3.
Immunoreactivity of Stat1 and Irf7 in the organ of Corti. (A) Stat1 immunoreactivity in the organ of Corti cells. The immunoreactivity is present in the phalangeal process of Deiters cells (also see (B) and (C) for a high magnification view), Hensen cells, as well as nerve fibers in the inner hair cell region and in the tunnel of Corti. Sensory cells lack immunoreactivity. (B) A high magnification view of Stat1 immunolabeling in the phalangeal processes of Deiters cells. The Stat1 immunostaining is superimposed with a differential interference contrast (DIC) view of the tissue to illustrate the contour of the outer hair cells and Deiters cells. Note that Stat1 immunoreactivity is present in the phalangeal processes of Deiters cells (arrows). (C) A schematic drawing of the surface view of the organ of Corti mimicking the image (B) . (D) Immunolabeling of Irf7 in the phalangeal process of Deiters cells (arrows). The distribution of Irf7 immunoreactivity in this region is similar to that observed for Stat1. (E) Strong immunoreactivity is present in Deiters cell bodies (marked by the arrow). Weak immunoreactivity is present in pillar cells. Sensory cells lack immunolabeling. (F) A side view of the image in (E) showing the strong Irf7 immunoreactivity in Deiters cells, marked by the arrow. (G), (H), and (I) Double-staining of Irf7 and β-tubulin. The Irf7 immunoreactivity and the β-tubulin immunoreactivity are co-localized in the central core of Deiters cells (the arrow). Bar in (A) = 20 μm and Bar in (G) =15 μm. DC: Deiters cells; HC: Hensen cells; NF: nerve fibers; OHC: outer hair cells; PC: pillar cells.