Figure 1.
Ag NWs produce acutely significant BALF neutrophilia and eosinophilia. Graphs show absolute numbers of neutrophils (left) and eosinophils (right) on Days 1-21 post IT of S-Ag NWs (A-B), or L-Ag NWs (C-D). Scales on left and right panels are different. Results are from ANOVA considering dose, time, and particle length at p < 0.05. “D” corresponds specifically to differences between groups (in the same panel, sacrificed on the same day) given 1.0 mg/kg Ag NWs versus any other dose; while, “d” indicates differences from the sham control and 0.01 mg/kg groups only. “T” indicates differences between animals (in the same panel, given the same treatment) sacrificed on Day 1 versus Days 7 and 21; while, “t” indicates a difference from Day 21 only.