Figure 1. Overall structures of SMO receptor bound to different ligands and the ligand binding pockets.
(a), (c) and (e) Overall structures of SMO receptor in complex with SANT1, Anta XV and SAG1.5, respectively. The lipid bilayer is shown in dashed lines. The ligand binding cavity is shown in surface presentation. SMO_SANT1 structure (yellow); SMO_Anta XV structure (green); SMO_SAG1.5 structure (light blue) are shown in ribbon presentation. (b), (d) and (f) The structures of the ligand binding pockets for SANT1 (orange carbon), Anta XV (green carbon) and SAG1.5 (light blue carbon) are shown. Polar interactions between the receptor and the ligands are shown as dashed lines and interacting residues are labeled.