Detailed reviews of spaceflight experiments with microorganisms
Description | Reference |
Detailed discussion of early space through 1974, covering flight observations including lunar exploration missions and astronaut microbial flora | 95 |
Comprehensive listing of all spaceflight experiments with microorganisms through 1990 | 22 |
Detailed discussion of mycological studies performed during flight though 1990 | 104 |
Discussion summarizing the organisms which have flown and a synopsis of the results through 1991 | Cioletti et al.a |
Organized synopsis of organisms, missions, and results, as well as perspective on limitations of flight and flight experiments | 78 |
Recent and thorough review of flight experiments, with insight into the proposed mechanisms behind the effects observed in microgravity | 60 |
L. A. Cioletti, D. L. Pierson, and S. K. Mishra, Abstr. 21st Int. Conf. Environ. Syst., abstr. 911512, 1991.