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. 2014 Oct 7;10:825–839. doi: 10.2147/TCRM.S48920

Table 4.

REVEAL registry PAH risk score calculator

Group 1, subgroup Associated with CTD: +1 Associated with portal hypertension: +2 Heritable: +2
Demographics and comorbidities Renal insufficiency: +1 Males, age >60 years: +2
WHO functional class Class 1: -2 Class III: +1 Class IV: +2
Vital signs Systolic BP <110 mmHg: +1 Heart rate <92 bpm: +1
6-minute walking distance ≥440 m: -1 <165 m: +1
BNP <50 pg/mL: -2 >180 pg/mL: +1
Echocardiogram Pericardial effusion: +1
Pulmonary function test DLCO ≥80% pred: -1 DLCO ≤32% pred: +1
RHC mRAP >20 mmHg within 1 year: +1 PVR >32 Wood units: +2
Sum of above +6 = total risk score

Note: Calculated risk scores range from 0 (lowest risk) to 22 (highest risk).

Abbreviations: REVEAL, Registry to Evaluate Early and Long-Term PAH Disease Management; PAH, pulmonary arterial hypertension; CTD, connective tissue diseases; WHO, World Health Organization; BP, blood pressure; BNP, brain natriuretic peptide; DLCO, pulmonary diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide; pred, predicted; RHC, right heart catheterization; mRAP, mean right atrial pressure; PVR, pulmonary vascular resistance.