Fig. 1.
(A) Comparison of immunoreactivity of the high molecular weight bands of L1 between antibodies to full-length L1 versus antibodies to the cytoplasmic domain of L1. Two samples of CSF, one from a 53-year-old adult (A) and one from a 34-week premature infant (P) were run on SDS-PAGE and transferred to a PDVF membrane. The membrane was divided and half immunoblotted with polyclonal antibody to full-length L1 (L1FL) and the other half with polyclonal antibody to the cytoplasmic domain of L1 (L1CD). Following completion of the immunoblotting procedure, the two halves were reunited and exposed to X-ray film. Molecular weight markers are indicated by double headed arrows, estimated molecular weights of the HMW are indicated by lines. (B) Comparison of immunoreactivity of the high molecular weight bands of L1 between antibodies to full-length L1 versus antibodies to the extracellular domain of L1. Three samples of CSF, one from a 34-week premature infant (Premature), one from a 10-month-old child (Child), and one from a 53-year-old adult (Adult), were run on SDS-PAGE and immunoblotted with polyclonal antibody to full-length L1 (L1FL). The membranes were stripped, and reblotted with monoclonal antibody to the extracellular domain of L1 (L1ED). As can be seen, the 210-kDa band does not appear on the blots with L1ED. In addition, L1ED does not recognize the 140-kDa HMW band. Molecular weight markers are indicated by arrowheads, estimated molecular weights of the HMW are indicated by lines. (C) Quantification of band density for the HMW bands of L1. Band density was measured as described. Values were converted to log values to allow comparison across blots. Total is log value of the sum of the pixel density of the 210-, 200-, 170- and 140-kDa bands. (D) Comparison of HMW band pattern of patients with primary CNS disease compared to typical newborn and adult patterns. Immunoblots of CSF samples from a normal adult (A) and an adult with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) are shown in panel A, and a normal newborn (N) and a 2-month-old female infant with congenital hydrocephalus (HC) in panel B. Immunoblots were prepared with L1FL as the primary antibody. The 80-kDa band can be seen in both the adult and newborn without primary CNS disease (A, N). However, a novel band is present above the 80-kDa band in the patient with ALS and the 80-kDa band is absent in the patient with HC. In addition, the patient with HC has several differences in the HMW banding pattern from both the normal newborn (N) and adult (A) patterns.