Evaluation of treatments by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (A–D), hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining (E–H), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) (I–L). Treated by sonodynamic therapy (SDT) (A, E, I), ultrasound (B, F, J), hematoporphyrin monomethyl ether (HMME) (C, G, K), and untreated control (D, H, L).
Notes: HE staining of the SDT-treated brain sections revealed that the area of irregular lamellar necrosis was clearly enlarged (E). In the center of the tumor necrosis, no cell structures were found [indicated by thick arrow]; instead, a large amount of debris and shrunken glioma cells were discovered at the boundary of necrosis and normal tumor tissue [indicated by thin arrow]. In the ultrasound-treated brain section (F) sporadic punctiform necrosis could still be observed in the transitional area between the necrosis and the normal tumor tissue, indicated by an arrow. HMME-treated (G) and untreated (H) glioma at 24 hours after treatment (×40). TEM images of glioma at 24 hours after treatment showing nuclear apoptosis (I) and necrosis (J), and treatment with ultrasound showing nuclear apoptosis (K) and necrosis (L) (×6,000).