Figure 3.
P5/P1 deletion junctions, indicating homologous recombination as the cause of the deletion. A, Junction sequence in AMC0110 aligned with proximal and distal Y-chromosome reference sequence. Dots indicate base pairs identical to the junction sequence. B, Model of production of the deletion-junction sequence in AMC0110 by homologous recombination. The bases shown (C/T, A/G, and C/T) differ between the proximal and distal copies of the sequence and therefore define the location of the deletion breakpoint within the junction sequence. C, Junction sequence in WHT4396 aligned with proximal and distal Y-chromosome reference sequence. D, Junction sequence in WHT2943 aligned with proximal and distal Y-chromosome reference sequence. E, Junction sequence in WHT3516, WHT3642, WHT4426, and WHT4486 aligned with proximal and distal Y-chromosome reference sequence.