a, Cartoon depicting the site of Lentiviral injection and the experimental procedure. b, Western blot analyses of RIP140 and ER stress related proteins Bip, p-eIF2a, ATF4 and CHOP in the virus-injected brain area 5 days after injection with lentivirus-ShRIP140 (Lenti-ShRIP140) or Lentivirus-control (Lenti-Ctrl). c, TUNEL staining (red puncta) of brain sections from the Lentivirus-infected areas 20 days after virus injection (2 days post stress induction). DAPI (blue) depicts nuclear staining and green signals show Lentivirus-infected cells. Scale bars, 20μm. d, Bar graph shows the percentage of TUNEL-positive cells versus total cell number from same field. The results from five different fields in each group are presented as means ± SEM., **p<0.01 compare to unstressed group; ##p < 0.01 relative to stressed Lenti-Ctrl group as determined by one-way ANOVA.