Figure 5.
NMDA-induced microglial process extension requires purinergic signaling and P2Y12 receptor. A, CA1 neurons show large inward currents to puff application of glutamate (top trace) while microglia show no current responses to either glutamate (middle trace) or NMDA (bottom trace). B, Puff application of NMDA (100 μm; 5 psi for 10 s) fails to induce microglial process extension while puff application of ATP (3 mm; 5 psi for 1 s) induces microglial process extension directly toward the pipette tip. C, D, NMDA (30 μm) fails to induce robust microglial process extension in the presence of ATP (1 mm; C) or in P2Y12 KO tissues (D). E, Quantitative summary of the data presented in C and D. F, Top, Epifluorescence image of patched microglia in the CA1. Bottom, Representative tracing showing that bath application of ATP- and NMDA-induced outward currents in patched microglia in the CA1.