Interacting domain between BLOS1 and TSG101/SNX2.
A, schematic structure of BLOS1 and its N- and C-terminal truncations. B, both full-length BLOS1 and N-BLOS1 interact with TSG101 in yeast two-hybrid assays. Full-length TSG101 was used as a bait (with binding domain) to test different preys (with activation domain). pGADT7 was used as a negative prey control. The upper panel shows the growth of yeast on SD medium lacking leucine and tryptophan. The lower panel shows the growth of yeast on SD medium lacking adenine, histidine, leucine, and tryptophan. C, both GST-BLOS1 and GST-N-BLOS1 pull down His-TSG101, but GST-C-BLOS1 and GST alone do not pull down His-TSG101. D, GST-BLOS1 and GST-N-BLOS1 pull down His-SNX2 but GST-C-BLOS1 and GST alone do not pull down His-SNX2. The blots shown here are representative ones from three independent experiments.